Results for 'Aleksandras Gražvydas Jasmontas'

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  1.  16
    Figurativity and human ecology.Aleksandra Bagasheva, Bozhil Hristov & Nelly Tincheva (eds.) - 2022 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Figurativity has attracted scholars' attention for thousands of years and yet there are still open questions concerning its nature. Figurativity and Human Ecology endorses a view of figurativity as ubiquitous in human reasoning and language, and as a key example of how a human organism and its perceived or imagined environment co-function as a system. The volume sees figurativity not only as embedded in an environment but also as a way of acting within that environment. It places figurativity within an (...)
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  2. Przyczynek do ch. S. peirce'a koncepcji znaku.Aleksandra Baldy - 2007 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 43 (2):119-131.
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  3. Naturalism in France.Aleksandra Gruzinska - 2001 - In Hyung S. Choi, David F. Siemens & Shirley E. Williams, Naturalism: its impact on science, religion and literature. Phoenix, Ariz.: Canyon Institute for Advanced Studies.
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    Pojęcie wartości estetycznej w pracach Władysława Tatarkiewicza.Aleksandra Horecka - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (13).
    Author: Horecka Aleksandra Title: THE CONCEPT OF AESTHETICAL VALUE IN TATARKIEWICZ’S PAPERS (Pojęcie wartości estetycznej w pracach Władysława Tatarkiewicza) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.13/14, number: 2011/2-3, pages: 601-615 Keywords: WŁADYSŁAW TATARKIEWICZ, AESTHETICAL VALUE, ONTOLOGICAL CATEGORY Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The purpose of this paper is to report and analyse the main theses of Tatarkiewicz’s theory of aesthetic value. We concentrate on ontological problems – what is aesthetical value and what (...)
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  5. Fotografia jako obraz znaczący.Aleksandra Koś - 2006 - Estetyka I Krytyka 2 (11):171-178.
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    Terrorism and religious fundamentalism: a reaction to the new world order.Aleksandra Schindler - 2007 - Disputatio Philosophica 9 (1):149-163.
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    Aleksandra Koyrégo analiza paradoksów Zenona z Elei.Aleksandra Schoen-żmijowa - 2002 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 31.
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    Ireneusz Ziemiński, Śmierć, niesmiertelność, sens życia. Egzystencjalny wymiar filozofii Ludwiga Wittgensteina [Death, Immortality, the Meaning of Life. The Existential Dimension of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophy] by Aleksandra Derra.Aleksandra Derra - 2008 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 13 (2):379-385.
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    Ekologiczna etyka ze spektrum posthumanizmu. Zarys perspektywy i przypadek ogrodu działkowego.Aleksandra Andrzejewska - 2018 - Etyka 57:121-136.
    Artykuł stawia dwa pytania: jaki rodzaj etyki ekologicznej daje się wyprowadzić z posthumanistycznej refleksji i jak taka etyka mogłaby działać w konkretnej przestrzeni – ogrodzie działkowym. Interesuje mnie pole teoretyczne, wyznacza troska i namysł nad światem poza człowiekiem. Jako punktu wyjścia używam schematu trzech traum opisanego przez Zygmunta Freuda. Sytuacja człowieka po trzech traumach odczytana zostaje jako krajobraz postapokaliptyczny, w którym możliwe jest budowanie nowej etyki ekologicznej. Omawiając spektrum posthumanizmu, zwracam uwagę na problem granicy i dualizmu. Oprócz wskazania przykład.w (...)
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    Solidarity in the legal frames.Aleksandra Głos - 2015 - Diametros 44:204-222.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the meaning of solidarity and its proper position in the legal frames, with particular focus on health care. Solidarity is often identified with welfare arrangements and social guarantees. In this institutional version, it tends to humiliate citizens and restrict their entrepreneurship. Moreover, administrative solidarity is unable to recognize the actual needs of the most vulnerable members of society, which should be one of its primary concerns. Solidarity, in its original meaning, understood as (...)
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    Nieuświadomiona religijność w projekcie logoterapeutycznym Viktora Frankla.Aleksandra Kondrat - 2015 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 6 (3):127-143.
    The Unconscious Religiousness in Victor Frankl’s Logotherapy Project In his logotherapic vision of life, Frankl appeal to the concept of an unconscious God. I consider, Polish translation, The Hidden God in this case, irrelevant. The term ‘unconscious’ is being used in his writing not by mere coincidence. It touches the sacral sphere of life. Similarly to Jaspers, faith doesn’t have dogmatic characteristics. It is connected to a conscious will of a human being. Authenticity is a characteristic of the true religiousness. (...)
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  12. Transgresywne aspekty dzieła sztuki.Aleksandra Pawliszyn - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 15 (15/16):120-131.
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  13. Problemy perswazji i manipulacji w literaturze popularnonaukowej ( na przykładzie Płci Mózgu Anne Moir i Davida Jessela).Aleksandra Rzymska - 2010 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 46 (185):519-532.
    Według tradycyjnych standardów, nauka powinna być wolna od wartościowań i perswazji, a w swej formie dążyć do beznamiętnego, obiektywnego opisu. Takich kryteriów nie da się jednak utrzymać szczególnie w naukach humanistycznych czy społecznych, operujących językami naturalnymi. Języki te obfitują bowiem w wyrażenia nacechowane emocjonalnie i oceniające, co sprawia, że nie mogą być wolne od perswazji. Perswazyjność języka należy do specyfiki nauk humanistycznych i nie jest zjawiskiem negatywnym. Jednakże świadome przedstawianie argumentacji i definicji perswazyjnych jako czystego opisu stanowi, z punktu widzenia (...)
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  14. Kilka uwag o znaczeniu.Aleksandra Żukrowska - 1994 - Studia Semiotyczne 19:207-217.
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    Risk-Taking and Impulsivity: The Role of Mood States and Interoception.Aleksandra M. Herman, Hugo D. Critchley & Theodora Duka - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The psycholinguistic world of “zdziwienie” - “astonishment” and “zaskoczenie” - “surprise”.Aleksandra Jasielska - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (3):384-392.
    The aim of the study was to answer the question whether the words “zaskoczenie” [phon. zaskɔˈʧ̑ɛ̃ɲɛ]- “surprise” and “zdziwienie” [phon. ʑʥ̑iˈvjɛ̇̃ɲɛ]- “astonishment”, which are treated in the Polish language as synonyms, possess a fixed pattern of application, and whether the colloquial context of using these words differs in terms of its emotional valence. The theoretical background for this investigation was the triadic approach to language cognition that includes perception, conceptualization and symbolization, and corresponding to this approach concept of mental representation (...)
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  17. Fenelon i d\'Argenson — arystokraci marzą o reformach'.Aleksandra Porada - 2004 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 49.
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    Toter Buchstabe – lebendiger Geist. Bibelauslegung als Lektüreereignis.Aleksandra Prica - 2013 - Das Mittelalter 18 (1):46-61.
    There is scarcely a sentence in the New Testament that could have unleashed a wider reception history than Paul‘s comparison of the letter and the spirit in the third chapter of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians: “For the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” In Patristics two diverging lines of reception can be identified, which, depending on the perspective, emphasise the hermeneutic or the soteriological side of the formula more strongly. This paper investigates the antithesis of spirit and (...)
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    Global Derivatives Market.Aleksandra Stankovska - 2016 - Seeu Review 12 (1):81-93.
    Globalization of financial markets led to the enormous growth of volume and diversification of financial transactions. Financial derivatives were the basic elements of this growth. Derivatives play a useful and important role in hedging and risk management, but they also pose several dangers to the stability of financial markets and thereby the overall economy. Derivatives are used to hedge and speculate the risk associated with commerce and finance. When used to hedge risks, derivative instruments transfer the risks from the hedgers, (...)
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  20. The socialist city - a homeless city? A contribution to research on model implementations.Aleksandra Sumorok - 2011 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 13:203-228.
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  21. Who speaks for Hume: Hume's presence in the 'Dialogues concerning Natural religion'.Aleksandra Davidović - 2021 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 1 (34):113-137.
    One of the reasons for many different and even opposing interpretations of Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion is the absence of consensus concerning the question of which character in the Dialogues represents Hume. In this paper I argue that taking Philo to be his primary spokesperson provides us with the most consistent reading of the whole work and helps us better understand Hume's religious viewpoint. I first stress the specific dialogue form of Hume's work, which requires us to take into (...)
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    Neke slabe tačke Luisove teorije o tvrđenjima kojima se pripisuje znanje subjektu.Aleksandra Davidović - 2023 - Theoria 66 (3):21-37.
    Predmet ovog rada je istraživanje i kritika nekih aspekata teorije Dejvida Luisa o tvrđenjima kojima se pripisuje znanje subjektu. U prvom odeljku izlažem skeptički paradoks i osnovne postavke epistemičkog kontekstualizma. U drugom odeljku objašnjavam na koji način Luis kombinuje teoriju relevantnih alternativa i epistemički kontekstualizam prlikom formulisanja svoje teorije o tvrđenjima kojima se pripisuje znanje subjektu. U trećem odeljku pokazujem da ova teorija dopušta postojanje znanja koje je zasnovano samo na ignorisanju i argumentujem da ova nepovoljna posledica proističe iz načina (...)
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    Informal caregivers – A missing voice in clinical ethics.Aleksandra Glos - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (2):143-149.
    This paper argues that the missing voice in clinical ethics is that of informal caregivers. Despite their substantial contribution to care provided to individuals with disabilities, chronic illness or dementia, informal caregivers are rarely thought of as members of the healthcare team and their narratives are rarely listened to and included in clinical and ethical decisions. Addressing this gap, this paper discusses the reasons for the systemic misrecognition of informal caregivers in healthcare systems and argues for their greater narrative inclusion (...)
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    Consequences of Beauty: Effects of Rater Sex and Sexual Orientation on the Visual Exploration and Evaluation of Attractiveness in Real World Scenes.Aleksandra Mitrovic, Pablo P. L. Tinio & Helmut Leder - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:183987.
    One of the key behavioral effects of attractiveness is increased visual attention to attractive people. This effect is often explained in terms of evolutionary adaptations, such as attractiveness being an indicator of good health. Other factors could influence this effect. In the present study, we explored the modulating role of sexual orientation on the effects of attractiveness on exploratory visual behavior. Heterosexual and homosexual men and women viewed natural-looking scenes that depicted either two women or two men who varied systematically (...)
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    How to Fight Linguistic Injustice in Science: Equity Measures and Mitigating Agents.Aleksandra Vučković & Vlasta Sikimić - 2022 - Social Epistemology (1):1-17.
    Though a common language of science allows for easier communication of the results among researchers, the use of lingua franca also comes with the cost of losing some of the diverse ideas and results arising from the plurality of languages. Following Quine’s famous thesis about the indeterminacy of translation, we elaborate on the inherent loss of diverse ideas when only one language of science is used. Non-native speakers sometimes experience epistemic injustice due to their language proficiency and consequently, their scientific (...)
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    Epigenetics and Bruxism: from Hyper-Narrative Neural Networks to Hyper-Function.Aleksandra Čalić & Eva Vrtačič - 2020 - Biosemiotics 13 (2):241-259.
    This article develops a biosemiotic ´hyper-narrative model´ for the purposes of investigating emergent motor behaviors. It proposes to understand such behaviors in terms of the following associations: the organization of information acquired from the environment, focusing on narrative; the organizational dynamics of epigenetic mechanisms that underly the neural processes facilitating the processing of information; and the evolution of emergent motor behaviors that enable the informational acquisition. The article describes and explains these associations as part of a multi-ordered and multi-causal generative (...)
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  27. Doskonałości umiar nie jest potrzebny.Aleksandra Czenczek - 1996 - Prakseologia 136 (136).
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    The Reception of Kierkegaard in Croatia.Aleksandra Golubović - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (2):253-270.
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    Solidarność we współczesnej bioetyce – klasyczne problemy, nowe wyzwania.Aleksandra Małgorzata Głos - 2014 - Diametros 42:83-105.
    Solidarity is the fundamental principle of the majority of the European health care systems. According to the classical distinction, there are three kinds of solidarity: risk solidarity, age solidarity and income solidarity. The aim of this principle is to create a community based on risk sharing, mutual obligation and care, taken especially of the suffering, the troubled and the disadvantaged. The progressive privatization of health care and the individualization of risk in health insurance motivate the question about the sustainability of (...)
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  30. „Naród” francuski w XVIII wieku.Aleksandra Porada - 2006 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 50.
    Il est question dans cet article de l’évolution de l’idée de «nation» en France au cours du XVIIIe siècle. Beaucoup d’historiens pensent qu’on peut identifier les débuts de la conscience nationale française déjà au sein de la population de la France médiévale, alors que pour la plupart des sociologues la nation n’est qu’une construction intelectuelle créée par les intelligentsias européennes pendant les XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Les protagonists de la Révolution prétendirent d’agir au nom de la Nation Française en tant (...)
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    Ostentation. Zum Verhältnis von Phänomenen und Semantiken des Zeigens bei Thomas von Aquin und in,Der Saelden Hort‘.Aleksandra Prica - 2010 - Das Mittelalter 15 (2):80-95.
    By analising the specific use made by Thomas Aquinas of the verb ‘ostendere’ in the context of systematic philosophical conclusions as well as his presentation of biblical events and by scrutinizing the narrative strategies relative to ‘ostentatio’ (in the sense of displaying, hinting at, demonstrating) in ‘Der Saelden Hort’, a late medieval text on salvation, this paper makes clear that ostentation is a central category of mediality in the Middle Ages.
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  32. Die Kreuzeswissenschaft Edith Steins und das Sein zum Tode bei Martin Heideggers. Der Versuch eines Vergleichs.Aleksandra Szule - 2016 - In Jerzy Machnacz, Monika Małek-Orłowska & Krzysztof Serafin, The hat and the veil: the phenomenology of Edith Stein = Hut und Schleier: die Phänomenologie Edith Steins. Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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    The problem of underdetermination.Aleksandra Zorić - 2006 - Theoria 49 (4):23-35.
  34. What Is Art Good For? The Socio-Epistemic Value of Art.Aleksandra Sherman & Clair Morrissey - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
    Scientists, humanists, and art lovers alike value art not just for its beauty, but also for its social and epistemic importance; that is, for its communicative nature, its capacity to increase one's self-knowledge and encourage personal growth, and its ability to challenge our schemas and preconceptions. However, empirical research tends to discount the importance of such social and epistemic outcomes of art engagement, instead focusing on individuals' preferences, judgments of beauty, pleasure, or other emotional appraisals as the primary outcomes of (...)
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    Being at home in a place: the philosophy of localness.Aleksandra Kunce - 2019 - Warsaw: Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa.
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  36. The Enslavement of Architecture: an End of Individualism? Between the Theory and Practice of Socialist Realism in Polish Architecture.Aleksandra Sumorok - 2007 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 9:195-214.
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    Addressing Racism in Ethics Consultation: An Expansion of the Four-Box Method.Aleksandra E. Olszewski, Georgina D. Campelia & Holly Vo - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (1):11-26.
    Racism is a pervasive issue in patient care and a key social determinant of health. Clinical ethicists, like others involved in patient care, have a duty to recognize and respond to racism on both individual and systems-wide levels to improve patient care. Doing so can be challenging and, like other skills in ethics consultation, may benefit from specialized training, standardized tools and approaches, and practice. Learning from existing frameworks and tools, as well as building new ones, can help guide clinical (...)
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    The Default Position: Optimizing Pediatric Participation in Medical Decision Making.Aleksandra E. Olszewski & Sara F. Goldkind - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (3):4-9.
    Inclusion of children in medical decision making, to the extent of their ability and interest in doing so, should be the default position, ensuring that children are routinely given a voice. However, optimizing the involvement of children in their health care decisions remains challenging for clinicians. Missing from the literature is a stepwise approach to assessing when and how a child should be included in medical decision making. We propose a systematic approach for doing so, and we apply this approach (...)
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  39. Sprawozdanie z uroczystej sesji naukowej upamiętniającej 90. rocznicę urodzin Profesor Iji Lazari-Pawłowskiej.Aleksandra Rzymska - 2011 - Ruch Filozoficzny 68 (3).
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    Subjective Rank of the Competition as a Factor Differentiating Between the Affective States of Swimmers and Their Sport Performance.Aleksandra Samełko, Monika Guszkowska & Anna Kuk - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    PurposeThe aim of the study was to establish the differences in affective states of swimmers depending on the subjective rank of the competition and the relationship between affective states and performance in sports competitions of low, medium and high subjectively perceived rank.MethodsThe respondents aged from 15 to 23 years were studied using the psychological questionnaires Perceived Stress Scale, Profile of Mood State, and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule during sports events. 362 measurements using POMS and 232 measurements using PANAS before (...)
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    Pedagogical conditions for the formation of educational mobility of schoolchildren.Aleksandra Sergeevna Zakusilo - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):244-247.
    The article deals with the concept of educational mobility and its role in the modern educational process. Due to the insufficient development of this concept in the theory and practice of school education, the author creates a universal structural and functional model for the formation of this skill, which is why special attention was paid to the complex of pedagogical conditions that can ensure the effective functioning of all elements of the system.
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    Wilhelm Worringer: Apstrakcija i uosećavanje, Bogovađa, Beograd, 1996.Aleksandra Zistakis - 1996 - Theoria 39 (2):153-158.
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    Archival Heritage of Solovyov V.S. in Russia: Analytical Review.Aleksandra Yu Berdnikova & Бердникова Александра Юрьевна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):818-828.
    The study is devoted to the study of actual state of the archival materials of V.S. Solovyov which are held in different funds of Russia. During the working process was carried out the analysis of Solovyov’s related materials in a number of archives of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the context of this topic, documents from such archive funds as: RGALI, GARF, TsAGM, OR RSL (Moscow), OR RNL, IRLI RAS, RGIA (St. Petersburg) were reviewed. Particular attention was paid to the (...)
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    Global justice and the use of AI in education: ethical and epistemic aspects.Aleksandra Vučković & Vlasta Sikimić - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-18.
    One of the biggest contemporary challenges in education is the appropriate application of advanced digital solutions. If properly implemented, AI could benefit students, opening the door for personalized study programs. However, we need to ensure that AI in classrooms is used responsibly and that it does not pose a threat to students in any way. More specifically, we need to preserve the moral and epistemic values we wish to pass on to future generations and ensure the inclusion of underprivileged students. (...)
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  45. Odpominanie prawdy u Platona.Aleksandra Burek - 2004 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 49 (1):39-52.
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  46. Wartości w sferze polityki społecznej w okresie przemian systemowych w Polsce.Aleksandra Ciżmowska - 2004 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 10.
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    Impact of Conflict Resolution Strategies on Perception of Agency, Communion and Power Roles Evaluation.Aleksandra Cisłak - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (4):426-433.
    Two experiments probed the role of strategies used in social conflicts on perception of agency and communion. In study 1, persons who revealed prosocial orientation were perceived as less agentic, but more communal than those who revealed competitive orientation. In study 2 these findings were replicated in the context of organizational conflict, those who decided to use confrontational strategies were also perceived as more agentic, although less communal than these who used cooperative strategies. In line with the theory of power (...)
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    Tagset adaptation to language changing over time. The case of the masculine personal category in the Electronic Corpus of 17th and 18.Aleksandra Wieczorek - 2024 - Corpus 25.
    Cet article présente les solutions utilisées pour le Corpus électronique des textes polonais des 17e et 18e siècles afin d’adapter son jeu de balises grammaticales à l’évolution du système morphologique qui a eu lieu au cours de la période. Les 17e et 18e siècles ont été marqués en effet par la formation d’une nouvelle catégorie grammaticale, appelée « masculine-personality » (Pl. *męskoosobowość*). Cette époque marque une transition de l’état ancien à l’état moderne et se caractérise par une variation significative des (...)
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  49. recenzja książki Jana Hartmana pt. "Wstęp do filozofii".Aleksandra Bugajak - 2006 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 4.
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    Iustitia ut caritas sapientis: The Relationship between Love and Justice in G.W. Leibniz’s Philosophy of Right.Aleksandra Horowska - 2017 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 65 (2):185-204.
    The purpose of this paper is an attempt to present and analyse one of the most intriguing and unique elements of Leibniz’s philosophy of right—the relationship between love and justice —mainly based on selected excerpts from the Elementa Iuris Naturalis and the preface to the Codex Iuris Gentium Diplomaticus. The author presents the characteristics of this close connection and she tries to answer the question about the reasons for this relationship referring to the metaphysical assumptions and principles of Leibniz’s philosophy. (...)
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